Each app is different—try out the Touch Bar to see what you can do. For example, here are the buttons available to tap in the Touch Bar when you select a file in the Finder: And here are the buttons when you view a picture in the Photos app: You can use the Touch Bar.
Automating the User Interface
Unfortunately, not every Mac app has scripting support, and those that do may not always have scripting support for every task you want to automate. You can often work around such limitations, however, by writing a user interface script, commonly called a UI or GUI script. A user interface script simulates user interaction, such as mouse clicks and keystrokes, allowing the script to select menu items, push buttons, enter text into text fields, and more.
Enabling User Interface Scripting
User interface scripting relies upon the OS X accessibility frameworks that provide alternative methods of querying and controlling the interfaces of apps and the system. By default, accessibility control of apps is disabled. For security and privacy reasons, the user must manually enable it on an app-by-app (including script apps) basis.
Launch System Preferences and click Security & Privacy.
Click Accessibility.
Choose an app and click Open.
When running an app that requires accessibility control for the first time, the system prompts you to enable it. See Figure 37-1.
Attempting to run an app that has not been given permission to use accessibility features results in an error. See Figure 37-2.
Canon 600d software. To run a user interface script in Script Editor, you must enable accessibility for Script Editor.

Admin credentials are required to perform enable user interface scripting.
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Targeting an App
User interface scripting terminology is found in the Processes Suite of the System Events scripting dictionary. This suite includes terminology for interacting with most types of user interface elements, including windows, buttons, checkboxes, menus, radio buttons, text fields, and more. In System Events, the process
class represents a running app. Listing 37-1 shows how to target an app using this class.
Listing 37-1AppleScript: Targeting an app for user interface scriptingtell application 'System Events'
tell process 'Safari'
-- Perform user interface scripting tasks
end tell
end tell
To control the user interface of an app, you must first inspect the app and determine its element hierarchy. This can be done by querying the app. For example, Listing 37-2 asks Safari for a list of menus in the menu bar.
Mac app to edit jpeg download. Jul 23, 2017 At this moment I have to save uncompressed RAF files (plus jpeg) in order to have the possibility to edit RAW in iOS (using Photo, Snapseed, Affinity Photo, ) and Mac (Photo, Aurora Pro for HDR and Creative Kit & Nik Collection for everything else) but they are quite more heavier than compressed ones (50Mb 20Mb), which can be edited only. Sep 26, 2018 You can edit images from your Photos library with third-party apps, such as Photoshop and Pixelmator, right from the Photos app. Select an image, then choose Image Edit With and choose the editing app that you’d like to use. When you’re finished editing in the app, save your work or use the Command-S keyboard shortcut. Mar 05, 2019 How to convert an image to black and white with Photos for Mac. Launch the Photos app on your Mac. Find the photo in your photo library that you'd like to edit and double-click on it. Click on the Edit button in the top navigation panel. Drag the Black & White slider left and right to activate and adjust the photo's black and white intensity.
Listing 37-2AppleScript: Querying an app for user interface element informationtell application 'System Events'
tell process 'Safari'
name of every menu of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell
--> Result: {'Apple', 'Safari', 'File', 'Edit', 'View', 'History', 'Bookmarks', 'Develop', 'Window', 'Help'}
Accessibility Inspector (Figure 37-3) makes it even easier to identify user interface element information. This app is included with Xcode. To use it, open Xcode and select Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Accessibility Inspector.
Once you know how an element fits into an interface, you target it within that hierarchy. For example, button X of window Y of process Z
Clicking a Button
Use the click
command to click a button. Listing 37-3 clicks a button in the Safari toolbar to toggle the sidebar between open and closed.
Force Quit Mac Applications Force Quit An Active Mac App With Keyboard ShortcutYou can also force quit an active application on Mac by pressing and holding Command + Option + Shift + Esc key for a few seconds until the program forcibly close.Force Quit A Program On Mac From DockHere is another simple way to close any unresponsive applications on Mac. The program will be ended immediately. Click on the “ Force Quit” button. You just need to do follow this instruction:. Select the program that does not respond to your action from the list. How to force quit in mac.
Listing 37-3AppleScript: Clicking a buttontell application 'System Events'
tell process 'Safari'
tell toolbar of window 1
click (first button where its accessibility description = 'Sidebar')
end tell
end tell
end tell
--> Result: {button 1 of toolbar 1 of window 'AppleScript: Graphic User Interface (GUI) Scripting' of application process 'Safari' of application 'System Events'}
Choosing a Menu Item
Menu items can have a fairly deep hierarchy within the interface of an app. A menu item generally resides within a menu, which resides within a menu bar. In scripting, they must be addressed as such. Listing 37-4 selects the Pin Tab menu item in the Window menu of Safari.
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tell application 'System Events'
tell process 'Safari'
set frontmost to true
click menu item 'Pin Tab' of menu 'Window' of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell
--> Result: menu item 'Pin Tab' of menu 'Window' of menu bar item 'Window' of menu bar 1 of application process 'Safari' of application 'System Events'
Scripting the user interface of an app can be tedious and repetitious. To streamline the process, consider creating handlers to perform common functions. For example, Listing 37-5 shows a handler that can be used to choose any menu item of any menu in any running app.
Listing 37-5AppleScript: A handler that chooses a menu itemon chooseMenuItem(theAppName, theMenuName, theMenuItemName)
-- Bring the target app to the front
tell application theAppName
end tell
-- Target the app
tell application 'System Events'
tell process theAppName
-- Target the menu bar
tell menu bar 1
-- Target the menu by name
tell menu bar item theMenuName
tell menu theMenuName
-- Click the menu item
click menu item theMenuItemName
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
return true
on error
return false
end try
end chooseMenuItem
Listing 37-6 calls the handler in Listing 37-5 to select the Pin Tab menu item in the Window menu of Safari.
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Choosing a Submenu Item
Some menus contain other menus. In these cases, it may be necessary to select a menu item in a submenu of a menu. Listing 37-7 demonstrates how this would be done by selecting a submenu item in Safari.
Listing 37-7AppleScript: Selecting a submenu itemtell application 'System Events'
tell process 'Safari'
set frontmost to true
click menu item 'Email This Page' of menu of menu item 'Share' of menu 'File' of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell
--> Result: {menu item 'Email This Page' of menu 'Share' of menu item 'Share' of menu 'File' of menu bar item 'File' of menu bar 1 of application process 'Safari' of application 'System Events'}
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QR codes give you quick access to websites without having to type or remember a web address. You can use the Camera app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to scan a QR code.
How to scan a QR code
- Open the Camera app from the Home screen, Control Center, or Lock screen.
- Select the rear facing camera. Hold your device so that the QR code appears in the viewfinder in the Camera app. Your device recognizes the QR code and shows a notification.
- Tap the notification to open the link associated with the QR code.